Harvard Extension Test of Critical Reading and Writing Answer Key

How hard is the Harvard Extension School's Test of Critical Reading and Writing? How hard is the Harvard Extension School's Exam of Critical Reading and Writing? 2021-07-11 12:25:02 【Mr_干】

Is CRWS difficult?

The CRWS is not difficult if you are naturally a critical thinker. That said, I wouldn't call it easy either. It is designed to ensure that you lot are capable of handling the rigor of the seminar and/or writing-intensive course(s). These courses are those which weed out students who are non likely to succeed in the plan. At to the lowest degree for the Master'southward Degree programs, a seminar course is REQUIRED to get into the program. The CRWS is REQUIRED to get into the pro-seminar. A writing intensive course is required for most all (if non all) primary's degrees. These are all minor gate-keeping bank check points put in place to ensure that graduates of Harvard Extension, who did not meet the same rigorous admissions requirements of other Harvard schools, are none-the-less withal capable of study at Harvard's bookish level.

What is the CRWS, exactly?

I think the closest thing to compare it to is the disquisitional reading and comprehension sections of the LSAT (for anyone that'due south taken the LSAT before). It is probably closer to reading comprehension, since it really isn't measuring logic so much as it is comprehension/understanding. Essentially you are given an essay of 800–thou words. I would say that the topic is mostly not one that is "like shooting fish in a barrel" to follow, or fun to read. It will exist daunting and boring, intentionally. The essay is followed by 8–ten (when I took it) questions that test your ability to sympathize and process the information, equally well as to critically clarify it. Those are two different mental constructs. You demand to exist able to both understand it, and analyze it. The 2nd portion is your brusk essay where you write a response to the prompt. While Im non sure quite how this section is graded, I'm assuming it's a console of some sort, peculiarly if one member thinks information technology's inadequate and plans to neglect you. But I'm only speculating; I really don't know. I do know people who have failed it, however.

How can I do for the CRWS?

Honestly, I think the best mode to brush upwards is to go a few of the lengthy essays from LSAT and answer the questions that follow, then you could practice writing one or two response essays to what you just read (and answered questions about). I do not recall that Harvard uses LSAT questions, literally. Simply, I do call back the construct is very similar, and both tests are evaluating your ability to utilize logic, reason, critical analysis, etc. If you've taken the LSAT and scored over a 160, I'm sure you lot'll be fine.

You might besides consider having someone else (Professor in English Rhetoric, Philosophy, or the field you plan to exist in) read over a summary you lot wrote for practise. Information technology would be nice to have some estimate for your critical reading and writing skills as they are, earlier taking the bodily exam.

Other Communication:

It would be unwise to put off taking the CRWS, and the seminar. If y'all end up completing many classes toward your degree, and so finally try to take the CRWS and the seminar form, and FAIL… what volition you do? Take these harder courses first to ensure that you lot can practice it. I recently met someone (via Quora actually) who took several classes at Harvard for the ALM, then failed the CRWS. Then passed the CRWS, just failed the seminar course. That same semester they also made a B in graduate statistics (which is NOT passing for the ALM in Psychology; you must score a B+, A-, or A). As you tin can imagine, this person was pretty upset to have completed so many courses and feel defeated by the exam, seminar, and stats. He indicated that he has decided to no longer pursue an ALM and instead transferred equally many classes as possible to another school outside of the Harvard customs.

I hope this helps, and best of luck to all CRWS takers!



Source: https://www.wxkcg.com/content/284367

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